Thursday, August 4, 2011

Breast milk for human infants

!±8± Breast milk for human infants

Breast milk is made for human infants: Breastfeeding is the natural continuation of the pregnancy. Human infants should receive their mother's milk shortly after birth, and for about the first six months of life, the children all mothers' milk need to promote a normal, healthy growth and development. Breast milk contains dozens, even hundreds of factors that protect the baby from disease and the exact balance of protein, healthy fats and sugars, and allotherwise the child must be growth that begins in the womb and produced the amazing person that has just continued at birth. A healthy newborn baby needs other than its mother's milk, in fact, nothing else is specified, change the child the perfect balance in your intestine (gut) and with nature, providing a perfect system bother him at all and protect the bacteria viruses that are currently around him when he leaves the safety of the womb and isin the world. For this reason, no formula, water or anything else that the child be given unless a medical reason (AAP policy statement on breastfeeding and the use of human milk (source: .. / cgi / content / full / pediatrics;. 115/2/496) Supplements of water or formula, even the baby to the breast (the wheel of a woman breastfeeding, the American Academy of Pediatrics, 2002 "with the biology of mother to child interfere with Breastfeeding, "p. 11), andin the mother, with a smaller amount of milk and the child, unless the benefits have resulted from their milk.

If companies want to believe the formula for us that their products come close to breast milk, and spend millions of advertising dollars of "new" components, they discover, and add a growing number of formulas are available, the truth is that breast milk may not be copied. Breastmilk is a living, changing fluid. Each breast milk contains antibodies to precisely the germsthat she and her baby are exposed in their environment. As the child grows, there are also changes that make the composition of the milk that is perfectly adapted to the changing needs of newborns, infants and young children. Dr. Jack Newman, a leading expert on breastfeeding, it is said: "The differences between cow's milk and formula are much smaller than the differences between formula and breast milk." (Newman, Jack, MD. The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers, PrimaPublication of Roseville, CA: 2000, p.. 13) He continues: "All pregnant women and their families should know the risks of artificial feeding, it does not matter that everyone should be encouraged to breastfeed, and everything should start to get the best possible support for breastfeeding when the baby arrives ... '(ibid.)

Because if a child is a natural power, it seems so hard to breastfeed? Why do so many mothers trying to fail? Why do so many pediatricians recommend mothers to stop breastfeeding and switch toFormula at the first sign of trouble?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breast-feeding a baby, with no other food for the first six months and breastfeeding with the gradual addition of other foods, in the second half of the first year of the child. We recommend that "breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and then as long as mutually desired." (American Academy of Pediatrics Working Group breast, breast feeding and the use ofHuman milk Pediatrics Vol 100 No 6, December 1997, p.1037)

Despite this strong position on the importance of breastfeeding that many nurses, doctors and other health professionals do not have the special training necessary to help properly mothers and children who suffer from breast-feeding can be difficult. Breastfeeding often mistake occurred because hospital procedures to ensure that in the hours and days after the birth of the child that the normal course of lactation (the process by which theProduction of breast milk is established) or a misunderstanding of eating habits leads to early use of baby bottles and pacifiers, in the absence of medical necessity for such action. This sucks leads to subtle changes in the way the child, and make some children begin to refuse the breast and pull the very rapid flow of milk from the bottle. Even if a child has had a couple of bottles and began to show a fondness for the bottle instead of the chest, it's not too late! Most of the youngChildren can learn to breastfeed effectively, and most mothers are able to establish a good supply of milk with the right kind of help and support.

Certified Lactation Consultants are specially trained to overcome some of these problems in the breast. Before a mother receives help, the easier it should be to establish breastfeeding, even if a mother and son had a difficult start at the beginning and problems. Other good sources of help are La Leche League, an organization of volunteerswith chapters in most places in the U.S. and Canada, as well as in many other countries. In the U.S., most of the resources WIC local agencies for mothers who breastfeed their children want to help. Go to the [] for a list of Certified Lactation Consultant in your area.

Although it is ideal for mother and child, to be together, so that the child can often feed during the day and night, many mothers today face the reality of returning to work in a few weeks of the childBirth. And 'possible to get the milk for the baby, although they must be separated for many hours a day. Do not let the need to rob you out of your home and your child this priceless gift.

Looking for information on the pump when you need to be away from your baby and still want him / her to provide them with milk.

Breastfeeding is the gold standard for your child!

"Exploring the difference between breast milk and formula, I found thatThere are over 400 nutrients in breast milk that are not in the formula. "He said Dr. Frank Oski, former professor of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University, as described by William and Martha Sears, quoted in" The Breast Book (Sears, William, MD and Martha Sears, RN, Breast Book breast, Little, Brown and Co., Boston., 2000, p. 14).

Breast milk for human infants

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

May contain traces of milk

!±8± May contain traces of milk

How many times we see these words printed on the back of our favorite breakfast cereal or a bag of chips these days? In particular, foods that were absolutely aware of this order, unless the list of ingredients were concerned. Or maybe the warning is a bit 'different, as they say. "The product in a factory, the milk components is treated"

This can be a frustrating experience for those who are allergic to cow's milk. Many of the products that we have alwaysThoughts, as they are now confident that lists the warning - but why? It's just a general statement of the producer against the potential risk of legal protection, or the product has really changed, and now actually contain cow's milk?

In many cases, the warnings on the packaging as a guide to the genre in which they are managed at the corporate level, such as a production line of chocolate bars, using the same equipment as the milk chocolate bar can run the riskCross-contamination, even if the device to clean between the intensive production of individual products.

The key word here is "trace" - the amount of milk available is likely to be minimal, but this does not guarantee that they are not altered in any way. It also depends on how sensitive your reaction to cow's milk - enough to have a slight intolerance or a severe allergy? Are you ready for your health, the food that I have always loved the risk, or could perhapsalternative that is just as tasty? These are the questions you ask and you may just need to make a decision about how to proceed.

Note that you have other options, the choice of the products are great and there is usually enough in the local shops, markets and supermarkets, which have no guarantees on some ingredients. Allergy to cow's milk should not be a frightening experience if you can learn to see the many delicious alternativesto offer.

May contain traces of milk

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The biology of muscle growth

!±8± The biology of muscle growth

The large number of articles, opinions, journals, and experts in fitness and muscle building is the area of ​​lifting weights more like the practice of medicine in the 16 Century seem like a concrete science. Every day, new theories, approaches, and wonders training seem to contradict each other and announce that they have the truth, and that following their advice you will realize the body of your dreams. Apparently some of them on the right track, others do not, but asto tell the difference between all? The answer lies in understanding the basics of the biological process of muscle growth. Once you know some of the most important principles, you will be better able to judge whether an exercise routine is based on physical principles of sound, or completely false.

The basic principle is to understand that your muscles adapt, what they are exposed to stress. If you spend all day on the couch, then you will have a fine of musclesequipped for Couch. If you run 40 minutes each day, as the body will adapt to it. If you follow the same number of sets and reps and weight lifting routine, then your body adjusts, too. And even if you adjust your system will stop growing, and easy to reach this new level of peace, to have the minimum required to operate at this level. Therefore, the basic idea is that if you want growth, you constantly need to overload the system.

TheBy progressively overloading the muscles is called muscle hypertrophy, and this is the increase in muscle mass and cross section. Note that the number of muscle cells (a process called hyperplasia muscle) has increased but the increase in size. As you work your muscles to microtrauma, where small cracks appear in the muscle tissue exposed. These tears signals to activate what is called "satellite cells on the surface of the muscles and increaseand the damage sites, where they are going to fuse with existing muscle fibers, helps them to regenerate.

While the satellite cells multiply and fuse with the damaged areas, your immune system comes into play a complex sequence of reactions that led to the inflammation is to contain and repair damage and clear the area of ​​waste products. This process, if not the only key to the health of the muscle, but the growth hormones and cytokines that are released as manystimulate muscle hypertrophy. Among these hormones such as insulin-like growth factor (IGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) are. Growth hormone (GH) is also published, and is the key to promoting the proliferation of satellite cells and the release of IGF.

What is important to understand is that the whole process (micro-trauma, where the complex interaction of satellite cells, the immune system, growth factors and hormones) depends not only exercise, but alsoGetting the right amount of rest and nutrition to optimize the healing process. Muscle hypertrophy occurs when the muscle heals, not when you train. In addition, the muscles will adapt only what they need, leading to an effect of "plateau", but things change and challenge them in new ways. So it's a good idea to turn your exercise routine, as it is to do P90X, and always to your body guessing what's next.

The biology of muscle growth

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

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!±8±Milk-Bone Senior Biscuits for Dogs, 20-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 12)

Brand : Milk-Bone
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Post Date : Jul 11, 2011 04:42:38
Usually ships in 24 hours

Milk-Bone Original Senior dog biscuits are easy to chew, low-fat and packed with 21 vitamins and minerals. These wholesome biscuits are specially formulated for the needs and health of your senior dog.

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Do not eat and drink together

!±8± Do not eat and drink together

While eating a meal, drink for the most part not with him.

This dilutes the stomach acids and digestive enzymes. It 'best to drink 20 minutes before a meal - this helps the intestines absorb nutrients and move.

If you think your mouth is just so damn dry during the meal, which is probably due to being:

* Weighted while eating,

* Eating in a hurry

* Not aware of the fact that you eat

* The glands do not function well because of alcohol consumption during meals[Since secrete]

If you explain this when eating, trying to adapt. Your glands do not function properly if the new train to drink during meals.

If you are not completely avoid the consumption of alcohol during meals can then:

* Avoid cold drinks

* Warm drinking hot tea

* Avoid milk with meals

Drinking cold milk with a meal is slimy as spraying foam on the fire. Kills it completely. The Chinese call the digestive system three times theBurner. Burns in the fire and forge his way to digest food properly. Pour cold milk and beverages that fire.

We had a patient enters the clinic with chronic constipation for years. She was improving but not fast. It was only to stop my website and read the information on how to avoid cold drinks and soft drinks especially during meals. Once changed, it is now twice a day!


Give it a shot.


If your doctor prescribesto drink during meals - then by all means, listen to 'em. Also, drink plenty of water while you take your fiber supplement. If there is no need to sit a large group of fibers such as concrete.

Copyright 2005

Do not eat and drink together

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Becoming a vegan?

!±8± Becoming a vegan?

Depending on the amount of obligations that can not work with certain medications because they are tested for safety on animals. A vegan does not buy or use animal products, if this is a steak, egg, bread with milk in it, or leather shoes. The overall goal of veganism is the animal suffering, environmental damage, to reduce hunger in the Third World and for our own health risks. Veganism takes all those advantages just a little '. For many people worriedappears one or all of these problems, the natural step to take from vegetarianism.

Why do people decide to become vegan?

Animal welfare - Despite the common belief that drinking milk or eating eggs does not kill animals, commercially raised dairy cows and the chickens do not lay eggs, both factory farmed or "free range", for slaughter, whether to reduce production to remain silent, not to mention the terrible conditions that are required. There is an ongoing debate about the complexity of thethey are like an animal, The Vegan Society, and most of the vegan products insects such as honey in their definition as well.

The environment - Animal agriculture takes a devastating toll on the earth. This is an inefficient way of producing food, as feed for farm animals requires land resources, water, fertilizers and others who would otherwise have been used directly for the production of human nutrition.

It was the consumption of animal fats and proteins in the heart brought together - HealthDisease, colon cancer and lung cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, obesity and a host of other debilitating diseases. Cow's milk contains ideal amounts of fat and protein for young calves, but for men too. According to Gill Langley, a Ph.D. in biology and author of Vegan Nutrition ", is the world the example of many thousands of vegans, a varied vegetarian diet not only supports the health and well-being, but it can also erase a positiveHealth Benefits "(Langley 1995). A vegan diet is protective against major killers such as heart disease and cancer.

Eat less animal products is a good choice for the environment and your conscience. Animal agriculture produces surprisingly large amounts of air and water pollution and causes 80 percent of annual global deforestation. It also requires large amounts of water and livestock worldwide consumes half the world's total harvest of grain.
How do I know that it isVegan?

When shopping, look out for the Vegan Society logo []. It appears on thousands of products free animals that have been registered with

The Vegan Society.

You need to carefully examine the packaging and labeling of all products registered to make sure to avoid animal such as gelatin and rennet, found in everyday products such as children find candy.

Vegan products is throughGuideMeGreen directory is vegan.

Becoming a vegan?

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Enfamil Lipil Milk-Based Formula with Iron, Powder, 25.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

!±8±Enfamil Lipil Milk-Based Formula with Iron, Powder, 25.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

Brand : Enfamil
Rate :
Price : $130.00
Post Date : Jul 06, 2011 16:28:20
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

For Baby's First 12 Months. Makes 188 fl oz. A blend of the nutrients DHA and ARA - Nutrients found in breast milk. Lipil is a blend of the nutrients DHA (17 mg/100 Calories) and ARA (34 mg/100 Calories). DHA and ARA are also naturally found in breast milk and are important building blocks for a baby's brain and eyes. Experts agree on the many benefits of breast milk. If you choose to use infant formula, ask your doctor which Enfamil formula is best for your baby. Enfamil Lipil with Iron is our closest formula to breast milk ever. It's easy-to-digest, complete and balanced nutrition.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Biology - What are the characteristics of a mammal?

!±8± Biology - What are the characteristics of a mammal?

There are many different animals to qualify as mammals. Some live in the sea, some live in trees, and some live in penthouses overlooking the city skyline. Here is a brief overview of the main features of most mammals have in common.

Mammals give birth to children, to live without eggs. If it lays an egg, it probably is not a mammal, except that it's a platypus, which is a whole other article. Almost every other type of animal, including insects and fish to spawn to create newInfants. Apart from some species of snakes and some amphibians and birds unusual, that is a feature that is unique to the family of mammals.

Mammals feed their young with milk. A mammal feeds its young with milk produced in the body. If you do this, unlike other types of animals you will see that this is a big difference. Birds, for example, must go and vomit in the mouth and feeding the chick. Even mammals that live in water, such as whales and dolphins, feedtheir young milk from her mammary glands.

Mammals have hair. She originally started growing their hair as a method of isolation. Mammals must regulate their body temperature so they do not get too cold or too hot. Some mammals, such as monkeys, are still very hairy. Other mammals have developed with relatively little hair. And in spite of other mammals have hair, or hair removal creams.

Mammals are warm-blooded animals. Unlike a cold-blooded animals must maintain a mammaltheir body temperature is stable enough to sustain life. Most mammals live in climates that are quite stable, and it can handle.

Mammals breathe air. Mammals use their lungs to get fresh air. This is in contrast to some animals, like fish to breathe, the water. Just because an animal lungs and breathes air, is not a mammal. Many reptiles and amphibians also have this property. Mammals that live in water need to occur from time to time to obtain are-up of oxygen.

So come on, if an animal meets all these criteria, you are probably dealing with a mammal. A list of mammals were the most common bats, mice, cows, monkeys, rhinos, elephants, sheep, cats, dogs, rabbits, whales, dolphins, giraffes, lions and bears. If you choose this as a list and look at yourself, have you ever noticed that all these standards but to fulfill. Congratulations, you are a mammal! Of course there are special animals, thenot on one or more of these features are still considered mammals.

Biology - What are the characteristics of a mammal?

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Food Good Good Health - Liver Detox

!±8± Food Good Good Health - Liver Detox

We must all be considered guilty under the liver, because it is inconsistent with our heart does not beat our chest, and insist on exercising or under duress.

In general, probably only to think consciously about it, or if you are diagnosed with a disease, contracted food poisoning or over indulged in alcohol.

I must admit, it is the latter that we read regularly in the media, and some of the headlines hit very hard on young men and women already inParticular.

I think most people are not aware of the "pressure" they put it in the liver following an "unhealthy lifestyle", ie the excess of alcohol and a diet high in fat and with little or no exercise.

So how we change our way of life and adapt to a healthy diet all the vitamins and nutrients needed to keep our livers are in good condition to think - "good food for good health" - as you know , I think that "we are what we eat 'and with that Ibelong to drink, and that we are all possibilities.

It 'been many years since I left school and has learned the biology, but one of the facts that I remember, this is above the liver to treat surprising ways, and can grow again up to three quarters of the liver and within a couple can weeks to grow back.

Our bodies are great, but they need our help, and the easiest way to do this is with a sensible diet, without having to give out something to eat when you eatmoderate and not regularly.

A lemon diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fish, poultry and eggs, meat, nuts, seeds and legumes very good and the best way to detoxify the liver, is amplified and include in your diet such as digestion of proteins hydrochloric acid diluted acid contained in lemons.

I remember my grandmother telling the best way to start the day with a glass of warm water with a few slices or squeeze of fresh lemon juice, just like her mother beforethey did, because this is not just a good detoxifier for the liver, but the whole body can be.

Obviously, the way it is cooked the food is of great importance, will steam or grill the way, with much less meat and fried foods.

The liver can work much more effectively when light meals, small meals are more likely to skip meals and eat a big meal late at night.

Avoid foods that make the liver work harder - fatty foods, food, alcohol,Margarine and caffeine.

Salt is another ingredient that should be and not only for the health of the liver can be cut, very often the use of salt is just a habit - something you've always done - and you only have to re-educate your palate.

Essential fatty acids in cold pressed oils, such as extra virgin olive oil and sunflower oil are found, it is beneficial for your health with a good source of avocado.

You should make sure you eat enough fiber, as thisessential to help eliminate fat and toxins through the bile in the liver from the body, otherwise it is taken up and stored.

It 'important to drink plenty of fluids - two liters a day, is a mixture of various beverages, the best way to get your daily requirement of fruit juice, water - tap water and bottled milk, tea and coffee.

Recently it has become very popular to drink vegetable juice diet for two weeks (and that should be drunk cold) should be used to detoxify the liver, but this can be veryquite dramatic and important that it should be first on any type of diet in this way you really see a doctor.

I think, or to reduce the food - only a few weeks - may help the liver and detoxification, such as hard cheese, cream and dairy products, starchy foods like pasta, potatoes and rice, and benefit caffeine.

If you actually feel better after two weeks, cut certain foods, why not eat less or less regularly, if you introduce newthem.

Avoid saturated fats, high sugar containing foods and alcohol, and come in close contact with chemicals.

This is as important as what we eat, how to breathe, what we do, and absorb through our skin, such as household cleaners, pesticides, horticulture and deodorants, even the air are toxins that can damage the liver .

Some herbal supplements said to help with detoxification, is the herb milk thistle as a liver support, known as dandelion and licorice root.

Milk Thistlehas been shown to protect liver cells from toxins and the elimination of harmful toxins that are already available.

Fool Marin is the active ingredient in milk thistle, seeds of the plant, which has found a complex containing bioflavonoids.

So remember 'good food is healthy, "and we eat what they do.

Make every day a varied diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, why not take part in a trip to the fresh produce shelves when you go grocery shopping and try to lose the corridorswith processed foods, this can only benefit the health of yourself and your family.

Then, following a varied diet of good food for good health, it is natural detoxification of the liver.

When you detoxify the liver, which method you use and how regularly they interest me.

Sandra and Ted

Food Good Good Health - Liver Detox

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

What are the Stinkies cheeses in the world?

!±8± What are the Stinkies cheeses in the world?

Cheese is a staple of human nutrition since it was recorded on the side of the story was. Try dairy has been found in Egypt and was eating every day in the Roman period. It 'possible that the cheese would have been created even earlier, around 8000 BC, when sheep and other animals first domesticated. Since there is no obvious method of cooling the cheese this time through the crust and bacteria, which have helped to create them have been obtained. This allows even moreintense flavors, as it continues to age.


A soft, creamy cheese made from cow's milk causes, Camembert Normandy home. This cheese is made in northern France with pasteurized milk. Surprisingly, the diversity of this PDO cheese, the "Camembert de Normandie", must by law be made only with raw milk. Usually it is with wine, bread or meat at room temperature, served as a subtle aromas can not pass through the cooking process unchanged.


Thisstinky cheese is origin in the Ducy of Limburg, which was originally a state of the Holy Roman Empire in the Middle Ages, which became a member of the German Confederation in 1839. The cheese was produced by Rudoloph Benkert in 1867. Made from pasteurized goat's milk, would be out of Limburger cheese in a basement in 25 factories throughout Germany will produce a few years later.

The cheese is firm and crumbly, a completely different set of features from the most stinky cheese. In 2006 a studyshows that the malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae) are also attracted to the smell of Limburger and the smell of human feet of the Ig Nobel prize for achievements in the field of biology and the 1979 song "Dance This Mess Around" by The B Features -52 line repeatedly shouted: "Why do not you dance with me? I'm not a Limburger!" This is a reference to this cheese, a pungent odor.

Epoisses de Bourgogne

The most important thing is that because Epoisses de Bourgogne is offensiveSmell is the first of which was conducted public transport in France is prohibited. The Epoisses cheese is not pasteurized cow's milk cheese that is in Marc de Bourgogne, a local liquor washed rind. Must be in France only in certain areas. It 'also well documented that these stinky cheese is a favorite of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Vieux Boulogne

Bedfordshire University scientists conducted experiments in 2004 and in 2007 declared thatVieux Boulogne-being, smellies the cheese in the world. It should be noted that only fourteen other hot have been used in the study. Washed-rind cheeses are the apparent winners of the debate stinky cheese. Vieux Boulogne is a pressed cheese made from unpasteurized cow's milk. The red-orange washed rind with beer during production. This creates a pungent odor. The beer reacts with enzymes in the cheese. It 'been tested with an electronic nose machine in 2007, which recognizesdifferent chemical aromas. A computer analyzes the car with different odors. Stinkies the cheese in the world has since been scientifically proven.

What are the Stinkies cheeses in the world?

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Applications of Biotechnology

!±8± Applications of Biotechnology

The overwhelming use of biotechnology in food, medical and agricultural industries are seen.

Food Industry

Various types of vegetables, fruits and grains are clear signs in this field. The production of various types of dairy products and drinks are wonders of biotechnology. Now we are able to store food for months and years, because of advances in biotechnology. With the help of hybridization techniques to create new animals for milk and meat. Nutritious foodshas been developed that is more conducive to health.

Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry

New drugs and medicines are the markets that patients come in with greater efficiency.

Hormones insulin, thyroxine, and others are readily available for human use because of biotechnology. Gene therapy is an ultimate sense of wrong genes in the body to replace. Production of a protein of the blood coagulation factor VIII for hemophiliacs is a clear example of the geneTherapy. Organ transplantation is one of the greatest wonders of biotechnology.

Agricultural industry

New plants are produced that give greater productivity in less time and space. Using different methods of farming, new crops and fruits are produced. The use of biological techniques is to kill pests and other herbs harmful to crops growing in popularity.

Other applications

Today, biotechnology is used in mining, in order to obtain various minerals such asCooper always pure copper sulphate (CuSO4) by various bacteria.


Cloning techniques have generated many doubts and ambiguities. This is an alarming situation that scientists will be able to produce a human being from a human cell. Come to many religious and moral issues in this matter. So this problem is a good question for this area of ​​science has been created.

Applications of Biotechnology

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Position in body fat

!±8± Position in body fat

Adipose tissue is specialized connective tissue in the body that the department store of energy is deposited in the form of triglycerides. Fat is usually found in mammals as two different forms, such as white and brown adipose tissue. Depending on the species, one of the height and position of the fabric varies. Most of the white adipose tissue under the category, which is found in several organs and body parts.

In humans, this tissue isat various points, is under the skin removed as subcutaneous fat, visceral fat around internal organs such as bone, bone marrow or bone marrow and yellow in the breast. Some types of such layers are known as deposits of fat cells. These deposits are a reservoir of fatty tissue that contains multiple cell types, the highest percentage of adipocyte cells that contain fat droplets. Some cells include fibroblasts, macrophages and endothelial cells alsoa part of this fabric together with a series of small blood vessels. As the skin covers the skin that accumulates at the deepest level of the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue is formed under the skin and provides insulation for the body from heat and cold.

It acts as a cushion of protection around all the vital organs of the body. Although its main function is to keep fat, seems to do justice as the main source of energy through the synthesis of lipids to the needs of the individual.Obese people are seen with greater amount of fat in the body. Fabric hangs down so that the abdomen and also known as the panniculus. Sometimes, to remove these fats are essential operations. The stomach has a layer of adipocytes in visceral fat and intra-abdominal fat is known. The internal fat protects the stomach, liver, intestine and kidney by the formation of protective layers within the body. Breast fat is a type of white adipose tissue, which helps in the formation of milk duringPregnancy with the help of the hormone oxytocin, helping the mother to feed the children. In humans, excess fat in the abdomen are accumulated in the hip and chest regions.

In various mammals, adipocytes are also found in mice, are in the abdominal cavity and the shape are different deposits in the body. Also around the uterus and ovaries, is a layer of fat provides complete protection. Brown adipose tissue mitochondria are tightly packed and also foundat various sites in mammals. As the fabric are well vasuclarization hibernating animals, help regulate body temperature by non-shivering thermogenesis.

Position in body fat

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk, Unsweetened Vanilla, 32-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 12)

!±8± Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk, Unsweetened Vanilla, 32-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 12)

Brand : Blue Diamond | Rate : | Price : $30.00
Post Date : Jun 28, 2011 03:40:59 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

You don't have to be lactose intolerant to enjoy Almond Breeze®®, but is you are, you're in for an extra-special treat. The creamy smooth texture and hint-of-almond taste make this nondairy beverage a stand out at standing in for milk. With ha

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lobster bisque

!±8± Lobster bisque

Lobster bisque is one of the tastiest and easiest ways to prepare a plate of lobster. When turkey and chicken, lobster, seafood is likened to velvet, is low in cholesterol and saturated fat.

Lobster bisque is a simple and tasty soup is ideal for any occasion. The main thing for the preparation of this delicious soup is required fresh lobster. This spicy dish of lobster meat with dry sherry, flour, butter, milk, bay leaves, salt, pepper, and cookedDressing rooms. They prefer the taste, people can add ingredients such as fish soup, black pepper, chopped onion, carrot, oregano, ginger and tomato soup. For more flavor, some people often add the steak sauce during preparation. Shells of lobsters is to be added as a condiment in the preparation of lobster bisque.

Prepare the lobster bisque is quite simple. To prepare the lobster bisque that requires 4 cups, 1-2 cups cooked lobster servedMeat.

They give companies a, mix bowl with sherry, lobster meat and set aside. Keep making a pot over low heat, add the flour with the melted butter into a smooth paste and crisp. Then add the milk to the mixture, stirring constantly. Continue to stir until the mixture thickens. Add salt to taste, salt and pepper and enrich it with steak sauce and salt seasoning. Other ingredients may be added according to taste preferences at this stage of preparation. Then add the lobster andSherry to the mixture. Lower to a boil, cover the pan and bake cookies for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Lobster soup can also be purchased online. Some stores offer canned clam chowder. These can be requested by more than 1,500 supermarkets in the United States. The ingredients, like lobster meat, spices and dry sherry are included in this lobster bisque box. The other ingredients should be added during cooking, are butter and milk. Before you buyCanned lobster bisque, it's always best to compare prices and shop-evaluations.

Lobster bisque

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Appears to block eating blueberries with antioxidant potential of milk

!±8± Appears to block eating blueberries with antioxidant potential of milk

For many people, is a popular way to eat fresh fruit matures in this sprinkling a handful of dry cereal for breakfast with a bowl of milk. Who would have thought that the high percentage of phytochemicals found in fresh blueberries first, was seriously hurt when taken with milk?

On one of the lowest calorie fruit profile, with about 80 calories per cup, blueberries are an absolute power of a healthy diet. In fact, they area reasonable choice of food for all that goes with counting calories.

The benefits of healthy eating fresh blueberries are good for a number of years to assist in their ability to protect humans against the development of many degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration, a disease of the brain, gastrointestinal cancer and health problems documented.

According to a study of the "Free Radical Biology and Medicine" publishedMagazine has reported that reduced blood concentration and absorption levels in volunteers who ate fresh blueberries with milk found. When blueberries are taken with water instead, but the opposite effect has been documented.

The hypothesis of this study linked the binding of phenolic compounds from the plant for the milk protein, which cancels the main benefits of eating blueberries. The suggestion is that this discovery could lead to ingestion of milk with other fruits areas well. And to get the most nutritional value of eating any kind of sweet, raw fruit, may be better to eat the fruits of milk or other foods high in protein.

How far? The recommendation is one hour before or two hours later.

Just so you know, destroying all the fruits (or vegetables) that is heated to high temperatures phenols. So even if you can enjoy a good blueberry pie, it will not be good for your health.

Like allnutritional studies carried out are like that, I'm sure some of you may have some unanswered questions. I know, I did. No matter how good the research group has made, and how professionally done the studies, I think it would be wise to take this kind of information with a grain of salt.

Information such as what is reported here do not always have the last word on everything. While there is no useful information, there is always something to learn that before hisReached a certain degree.

For what it's worth to be explored further variations of this experiment further, I think, more questions are real. How could have this in-depth study?

The most important question comes to mind is, has been pasteurized or raw milk used in the study? If it had been pasteurized, the nutrients in milk are certainly important, as a natural beneficial bacteria, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals can canceldifference in the world, if the bioavailability of phenolic compounds in blueberries have been properly registered or not.

Another question comes to mind, even if the raw milk to swallow the same results, what kind of food sources and man-made chemicals, animals may produce influence on the concentration and rate of absorption of phenolic compounds from plant?

Obviously the water is always the best choice liquid solvent. Nothing makes a better job of distributingNutrients that are necessary as water. Unfortunately it is not really tastes great poured over your cereal!

Appears to block eating blueberries with antioxidant potential of milk

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

113 Facts on the cruelty to animals

!±8± 113 Facts on the cruelty to animals

Animals caught in traps may be days before they suffer from exposure, shock or attack by predators. Traps often kill "non-target" animals, including dogs and endangered species. To save costs, the farmers pack animals into small cages, preventing them from taking more than two steps forward and backward. Crowding and confinement is particularly painful for the mink, solitary animals that occupy up to 2,500 hectares of wetlands in nature. The frustration of living in a cage leads minksto mutilate, self-determination to bite the skin, tail, feet and frenetic pace and circle endlessly. "PETA's investigators witnessed rampant cruelty to animals. Pigs workers strike metal rods and pins pushed into the eyes pigs' and faces." Snakes and lizards are skinned, because of the belief that live flaying soft leather makes it alive. Piglets were separated from their mothers when they are young as 10 days. Once her piglets are gone, the sow is impregnated again and the cycle continuesfor three or four years before being slaughtered. 3-4000000 cats and dogs, many of them are euthanized healthy, young and adaptable animal shelters each year. Cows produce milk for the same reason that people do to feed their young - but dairy calves are taken away at the age of 1 day. 1 day old calf milk replacers (including cattle blood) so that the mother's milk to be sold to the people fed. Pets can suffer brain damage or deathHeat stroke in just 15 minutes. Beat the heat for most dogs. Each year approximately 10,000 bulls die in bullfights. Most cows are intensively confined, unable to meet their basic needs, such as nursing their calves, even for a single day. The cows are unnaturally high protein diet dead chickens, pigs and other animals for food. Total factory farm animals, including those in dairy products, 1.65 billion tons of manure a year. Goats are boiledI live to make gloves. The skins of unborn calves and lambs - some abandoned, others from slaughtered pregnant cows - are considered "luxury". More than 285 million chickens raised for eggs in the United States. In small rooms so small they can not move a wing. The wire mesh cages of chicken feathers come off, rubbing the skin, and crippled the causes of their feet. Before 1986, only four states have laws criminal cruelty to animals. Glue traps cause terror and suffering, not animals, they touch, so thatsuffer for days. In one study, 70% of animal abusers also had records for other crimes. Damage to the seals and seal pups are often eye hook in the cheek, or mouth, his fur, then drag the ice pack. Arsenic laced food additives are mixed into feed has increased by about 70 percent of the chickens for food. Each year, almost painful than a million seals in the world and often subject to slow death, especially for reasons of fashion. Scientists estimate that 100The species become extinct every day! That's about one species every 15 minutes. Each year in the U.S. are 50 million pigs castrated males (usually without giving any pain relief). Over 15 million warm-blooded animals are used in research each year. The methods in fur factory farms are designed to maximize profits, which are almost always at the expense of animals. In order to test cosmetics, detergents and other products, hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed them allYear. Under extremely tight, the piglets are susceptible to behaviors such as cannibalism and tail biting stress-related. Farmers often cut off piglets tails' and use the pliers to undo the ends of their teeth without giving them pain medication. For identification purposes, farmers cut from pieces of young pigs ears. Farm animals spend their entire lives confined in tiny wire cages dirt. For the fur, small animals may be crammed into boxes and poisoned with hot, unfilteredThe engine exhaust of a truck. Engine exhaust is not always fatal, and some animals wake up while being skin. Larger animals have clamps attached to sticks or forced into the mouth or anus, so that they can be painful electric shock. Poisons birds birds attack the nervous system, making them suffer convulsions, erratic flight, and shaking for hours before his death. If you drink milk, you're subsidizing the veal industry. Male calves are often taken from their mothers at 1 day old,chained in small stalls for 3-18 weeks and raised for veal. Once they are taken from their mothers, piglets are confined to pens until they are separated by raised for breeding and meat. Although chickens can live for more than a decade, raised chickens and eggs are gone, dead at the age of 2 Over 100 million "spent" hens are killed in slaughterhouses every year. Forty-five states currently have provisions for the crime of cruelty to animals. (Those who do not have AK, ID, MS, ND andSD.) Chained dogs are used to combat ridiculed, and starved to trigger and promote the survival of extreme aggression. The dogs, losing the battles (or reject) are often abandoned, tortured, set on fire, electrical shock, shot, drowned or beaten to death. Cows average of 16 pounds of milk per day. With hormones, antibiotics and genetic engineering? £ 54 per day. Humane treatment is not a priority for those who hunt wild animals for their skin. Alligators on farms maybeaten with hammers and axes, sometimes consciously and pain remains for 2 hours after molting. Investigation of cruelty to animals is often the first point of intervention of social services for a family in need. A study by Canadian police has found that 70 percent of people had been arrested for the records of cruelty to animals of other recent violent crimes. Dog fighting and cockfighting are illegal in all 50 states. Hoarding of animals there are in almost all communities. Overwhelmed by well-intentioned peopleAnimal overpopulation. The consequences for buyers hamsters, their human relatives, animals and the community are very serious and often fatal for animals. Declawing is a painful mutilation that covers 10 amputations - not just the nails - but the ends of the toes (bones and all). The effects of long-term problems claws, skin and bladder and the progressive weakening of the legs of the cat ', shoulders and back. Declawing is painful and traumatic, and has been banned in Germanyand other parts of Europe as a form of cruelty. The kangaroos are killed by the millions every year, their skins are used as raw material for football boots. In the U.S., enter 6-8000000 stray and abandoned animals animal shelters every year, and about half must be euthanized. In California, America is higher than the production of milk was, manure from livestock farms poisoned hundreds of square miles of groundwater. Each of the over 1 million cows on dairy farms was divorced 18Liters of manure per day. Each year, the global leather industry slaughters more than a billion animals and tans their skins and hides. Elephants in circuses are often running in chains, up to 23 hours of the day from the moment they are the children are kept. Each year millions of animals are killed for the clothing industry. An immense amount of suffering goes into every fur coat, leather belt and a sweater. Neglect and abandonment are the most common forms of companionCruelty to animals in the United States. Every day in the U.S. there are more than 65 million pigs in factory farms and 112 million are killed annually for food. Every year, dogs suffer and die when a car left for "just a minute" parking - parking cars are death traps for the dogs. Dog owners: In a day of 78 degrees F, the temperature in a shaded car 90 degrees F in the sun can rise to 160 ° F within minutes. 98% of Americans consider pets to be companions or family. Formedical experiments, the animals can be burned, shocked, poisoned, starved, isolated, drug-dependent and brain damage. No matter how trivial or painful experiments on animals may be, are not prohibited by law. When valid non-animal research methods are available, no law requires investigators to these methods instead of animals. On average it takes about 1000 medium-sized dogs do keep track. There are more than 30 titles in the United States. Cows are artificially femalesinseminated shortly after their first birthday. Happy Birthday! The birds do not belong in cages. Bored, just refused to fly away, free from the company ... Many birds in cages are neurotic - constantly pulling springs, rockers their heads, and again choose. According to industry reports, more than 1 million pigs die en route to slaughter each year. More than 100 million animals each year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug, food and cosmetic testing, biologyThe lessons, etc. About 9 billion chickens raised and killed each year in the U.S. meat The industry refers to chickens as "broilers" and put in huge, ammonia-filled, windowless sheds with artificial lighting. Some hens spend their entire lives standing on concrete floors. Some chickens are huge, very crowded, where they are forced to live among their own filth, are limited. Neglect / abandonment is the most common form of mistreatment of animals (approximately 36% of allCases of cruelty to animals.) The cows are treated like milk-producing machines and are genetically manipulated and pumped full of antibiotics and hormones. Foie gras made from the grotesquely enlarged livers of ducks and geese that have been cruelly force-fed. The best way to save the cows from the misery of factory farming is to buy more milk and other dairy products. Learn soy! A typical slaughterhouse kills about 1,000 hogs per hour. The sheer number of animals killed makes it impossibleDeath pigs' to be humane and painless. Because of improper stunning, many pigs are still alive when they reach the boiling water bath. 13% of intentional animal abuse cases resorting to domestic violence. Problems of cruelty to animals are people's problems. When animals are abused, people are in danger. Instead of improving conditions for animals, the dairy industry exploring the use of genetically modified animals. More than half the fur in the U.S. comes from China, where millions of dogs and catshanged himself be killed, and bled. Millions of pounds of chickens fed antibiotics are only about 20 percent of the drugs to metabolize their food. 3000000000000 pounds of waste produced by factory farming of animals each year, is usually used to fertilize crops. Chaining dogs, unfortunately, while the law in many areas is one of the cruelest punishment imaginable social animals. Tens of thousands of horses from the United States are killed each year are used toHorse meat in Europe and Asia. Since the last horse slaughterhouses in the United States were closed in 2007, thousands of horses to Canada / Mexico were delivered. To kill drug addicts, or threaten to injure domestic animals of children, forcing them into sexual abuse or abuse to force them to keep quiet. There are no federal laws that regulate the voltage and the use of stun guns on pigs. Forty of the 45 animal cruelty criminal laws of state have been made over the past two decades in power. In the United States, 1.13 millionThe animals were used in experiments, in 2009, plus approximately 100 million mice and rats. As a result of, pesticides, disease and climate change, the population of honey bees is low. Many studies have found a link between animal cruelty and other forms of interpersonal violence. Cows have a natural life expectancy of about 20 years and milk for eight or nine years to produce. Wearing a fur coat is pretty cool for an animal. Eighteen red foxes are killed to make a fox fur,55 mink, a mink coat. The farmers use the cheapest and cruelest killing methods available: suffocation, electrocution, gas poisoning. In addition to diarrhea, pneumonia and lameness, calves are reared for veal horrified and desperate for their mothers. As part of the annual commercial seal hunt in Canada less than 300,000 seals are killed or injured.

113 Facts on the cruelty to animals

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How can our diet, genetic Age

!±8± How can our diet, genetic Age

Born only for the reason that we are an inherited trait in the direction of Alzheimer's to be done, stroke, heart attack or diabetes does not mean that we are destined to have such complaints. Born in spite of the genes that we were, we are able to act on more than ever to prevent these diseases occur.

The genetic pathway can be modified

Only for the reason that there may be the realization of a genetic material that makes us sensitive to a specific disease, does not mean thatwe "catch" the disease. This is why it is necessary that the genes for the disorder appear "on". While a gene that makes us susceptible to a disease is "off", we are sure.

So the question that arises is: "What makes us the way to turn genes on and off?" Investigation has influence on many issues, if a gene on / off switch, which consists of:

• Pressure
• physical suffering
• weather and pollution

Have under these factors, research has shown that the diet of the issue more effectively by the fact that genes are on / off is determined, so that the high nutritional quality can be ineffective and chemical environmental factors that make causal sentence, Gene .

Some examples of genes turning on / off with diet
Belongs to the scientific group of people who liked that the gene for juvenile diabetes in children as a blowhabitually drink cow's milk or eat foods high in monosodium glutamate. However, children with a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are not always inclined to juvenile diabetes.

On the other hand, studies showing the growth of cancer cells, the result of a lot of genes that are activated during a period, so that the elderly more susceptible to cancer. It 'been shown Phytochemistry who found the dye inPlants for defense against the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation, cancer inhibition by multiple genes, avoiding the instructions of the cancer gene is in the process of activating its target.

An example is a type of cancer gene can give instructions specific enzymes for a unique protein that promotes cancer development to generate. However, if the secondary plant substances are present, such statements can not always get to the destination as a resultunique protein can not be generated, and cancer does not arise.

How can our diet, genetic Age

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

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!±8± Living Harvest Tempt Hemp Milk, Unsweetened Original, 32-Ounce Containers (Pack of 12)

Rate : | Price : $50.96 | Post Date : Jun 22, 2011 06:00:26
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Our award-winning Hempmilk is made from hemp seeds. We cold mill whole hemp seeds to make our protein powders and press them to produce our renowned hemp oil. All the hemp seeds used to make Living Harvest products are grown in Canada.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

The treatment of lactose intolerance - three treatment options

!±8± The treatment of lactose intolerance - three treatment options

They suffer from lactose intolerance and I want to go?

You are not alone.

Here are three treatment options for the treatment of lactose intolerance:
Avoid foods that contain lactose, supplements, baked goods and medicines. Lactase drops from Seeking health: short-term solution for the treatment of lactose intolerance Wanted Probiotic 12 of health: long-term solution for the treatment of lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance affects nearly 25% of the U.S. population, or 1 in 9 people.1Knowing how the enzyme lactase works and how it is prepared is the key to effective treatment of lactose intolerance. At birth, we have produced high levels of lactase, the enzyme from the cells in the small intestine. But with age, these cells produce less lactase enzymes. Decrease the levels of lactase enzyme due to decreased production, the symptoms of lactose intolerance and increase in severity over time.

The symptoms of lactose intolerance occur after eating all thatcontains lactose.

Lactose-containing foods is not limited to dairy products like milk, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream or butter. Lactose is in pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements as a filler or compressed into tablets, processed meats such as sausages and meat, whey protein concentrates, cereal, chips and processed foods found in general. Read and understand labels.

The symptoms of lactose intolerance are primarily consist of digestive andby:
Gas Flatulence Diarrhea Nausea Headache
Once the cells stop in the small intestine or to reduce the production of the enzyme lactase, there are three ways to effectively treat lactose intolerance:
Completely avoid products containing lactose for the rest of your life to prevent symptoms of lactose intolerance. For me, this is not the problem at its root, is easy to avoid. (Some possible cases of lactose intolerance need to avoid the full, and I willsoon.)

Take a supplement that the enzyme lactase before eating anything with dairy products.
Lactase supplements are great for short-term treatment of lactose intolerance.
Ingest specific probiotic to produce the enzyme lactase. Probiotics are the long-term treatment for lactose intolerance.

Avoid dairy products for the rest of your life, if you like, is not ideal, and then option 1 is not an option for the treatment of lactose intolerance for most people.

Thefastest way to enjoy milk products without symptoms of lactose intolerance is to take a lactase supplement.

I will guide you through the various options and integrate enzyme lactase, which eventually will have a clear idea of ​​what form of lactase enzyme supplement is best for you. The problem with the lactase enzyme supplements, it's all the advice in terms of bandwidth efficiency, delivery, effectiveness and purity.

Some questions in advance that I saw inLactase enzyme supplement industry:
With food coloring ingredients, preservatives and chemicals that have never seen on other labels. Insufficient amount of lactase enzyme so ineffective in the short-term treatment of lactose intolerance. Too much of the enzyme lactase to the flooding of the digestive system with a required amount of a digestive enzyme. Enzymes used in excess and does not interact with other enzymes of the pancreas, small intestine and the liver are released.The enzymes are driven by pH and temperature driven. If the enzyme is in too high doses, which can disturb the pH and the release of other digestive enzymes, resulting in poor digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. False label that indicates that the product contains X amount of enzyme lactase, when there are no laboratory tests to confirm this ever be done. I have personally contacted a number of major manufacturers lactase enzyme supplement, can not provide proof of their claim labeled.

Hereare the four forms of the enzyme lactase supplements:

Powdered lactase enzyme supplements are ideal for people who do not consume the tablets, and ingestion of dairy products at home. Open the bottle, simply measure what is necessary, place a milk container, shake and wait 24 hours to drink. Powdered lactase enzyme supplements are inexpensive because they are added directly to liquid products containing lactose. With one liter of milk, just add a bullet, the powder enzyme lactaseonce. On the other hand, with a flip of the enzyme lactase every time you drink a glass of milk or eat a cake made with milk is expensive and annoying. Problems with lactase supplements are in powder that has caused to be messy and lumpy when you add the lack of removal of lactose in milk. There are also charges are added to the enzyme powder, which may not be suitable for some individuals lactose. A common filler maltodextrin, which is derived from corn or wheat. Under a veil of lactaseEnzyme supplement before each meal with dairy products is not ideal.

Lactase enzyme tablets and capsules can be made conveniently administered orally, before taking dairy products. Capsules and tablets are at your fingertips while you're away. The biggest problem with the use of lactase enzyme, lactase oral, the enzyme is destroyed in the stomach. This makes the lactase enzyme supplement in fairly useless as a short-term treatment for lactose intolerance. Lactase enzyme tablets or capsules,can not be added to liquid milk products containing lactose. This means that you have a capsule or pill of the enzyme lactase to swallow every time you drink a cup of milk. This can be expensive because of the milk is used several times a day. Capsules and tablets containing lactase enzyme forms more flow agents, preservatives, colorants and additives in addition to lactase supplements or liquid fueled. Tablets and capsules are even more difficult to control the amount of enzyme lactase to take - isis 1 or 2 capsules with a powder or liquid you can control the amount of enzyme lactase is needed to save money and do not interrupt other enzymatic processes because of high lactase.

Liquid lactase enzyme supplements are very popular in Europe and Canada. They are gaining popularity in the U.S., but difficult to find. If lactase liquid supplements can be found in your local store, be sure to read the power as they can be quite ineffective for low drop. Serve The advantage of liquid lactase supplements are, they are easy to add the milk, the taste and good value when comparing cost per dose. Just open the bottle and drops of liquid in the carton of milk or other liquid products containing lactose and shake.

Due to high demand and have a clear need of an effective liquid lactase in the United States, I developed a liquid supplement of lactase, called lactase drops, this means:
Powerful 7 drops containing 1,960 units of lactase, which issufficient to reduce the lactose by 70% in 1 liter of milk in 24 hours, Laboratory-tested for effectiveness, Laboratory of molds, yeasts, fungi and bacteria tested Free of preservatives, flow agents and fillers. It has 94 servings per bottle Is 94 liters of milk, Free of soy, wheat, corn, casein, gluten Preserved in a glass bottle with a glass pipette. Pthalate BPA free. Easy to use: just drop 7 drops in a quart of each type of milk, wait 24 hours and then drink. This methodThe liquid can supplement lactase to digest lactose more. You can drop of lactase in 3 ml of water or juice, placed directly on the milk, or on the tongue just before, during or immediately after eating ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese or a product contains lactose. This method is good for those who suffer from lactose intolerance or mild if accidentally ingested lactose and lactose intolerance need to avoid now. just for children, such as administrationlactase liquid rather sweet taste, because it is in a base of glycerine. Safe in breast milk or formula (when mixed) and administer to children.

We return to address how to move lactose intolerance long-term treatment.

The treatment of lactose intolerance long-term requires the production of the enzyme lactase intern

What? Yes - you can.

As already mentioned, when we are born we produce lactase enzyme in large quantities and the ability to produce lactaseFalls with age.

Is there a way to put this is often not the people's attention.

Why? Probably because the industry wants to make it comfortable enzyme lactase. If everyone knew it would be a long-term solution of lactose intolerance are all taking them over, how to handle the most convenient method and tested for lactose intolerance.

There are strains of bacteria, which create naturally in our digestive system, the enzyme lactase.

However, they are notin numbers high enough, so do the amount of the enzyme lactase is insignificant. You have to decide with antibiotics, stress, poor diet, and harmful bacteria are killed.

The lactase-producing bacteria can be supplied in large quantities by specific strains of probiotics.

The probiotic strains in the probiotic I recommend are not true, of course, I developed? There are reasons and explain.

For those who just want to know is what I recommend for long-term treatment ofLactose intolerance - I recommend Probiotic 12 capsules.

The way to lactose intolerance long-term and treat it properly:
Avoid products that contain lactose for 1 month, because this is your digestive system so that reset. Take 2 capsules at dinner Probiotic 12 for 1 month. Then take 1 capsule 12 Probiotic keep dinner. I recommend using lactase drops in conjunction with probiotics for the first 12 months, to help digestion and not overwhelm themFoods that contain lactose. In a period of 1-3 months, the amount of lactase drops cone and still used as indicated above under Probiotic 12 Capsules At that time, about 3 months (some say, is how each one), you should easily be able to products containing lactose, tolerating a Probiotic 12 capsule daily for dinner. There are many advantages for Probiotic 12 capsules on the treatment of lactose intolerance: improves digestion of foodTotal Improvement of local good immunity food intolerances and food allergies is decreased Candida yeast and significantly reduced healthy bowel movements improved breathing Improvement of the skin

If it takes billions, not millions but billions of these beneficial bacteria in the production of lactase disappear, then the symptoms of lactose intolerance.

However, there must be a balance of beneficial bacteria and the other not only lactase-producing bacteria. All bacteria, although an advantage is no longeradvantageous if the height of the small intestine. To prevent overcrowding and maintain lactase-producing bacteria, a formula made up of different types of probiotic bacteria. Several species of bacteria that is ingested in high doses, to keep each other in balance and avoid a strain of bacteria overload and possible side effects.

I do not think this was an important point, until I worked with a boy with autism.

I conducted a laboratory test andfound was very high in lactic acid. The boy was high lactic acid content, as her father gave her son autism bacteria Lactobacillus high power. My medical training, and numerous scientific articles indicating that children with autism is beneficial probiotics, but not to claim the research shows that probiotics are useful, if they have multiple stems.

I was no longer available to the father to his son and instead prescribed Lactobacillus Saccharomyces boulardii, theYeast is a good thing. The boys have lost a lot of lactic acid. Once the lactic acid levels return to normal children, will be placed on 12 Probiotic

A word of caution about probiotics: There are many probiotics available supporting efficiency and high power. The problem is the purity and efficacy have not been tested in the laboratory to the production or pasteurization. So, after the probiotic is sitting on shelves or wrong, is no longer carried the purity and effectivenessexists.

A quality probiotic, these properties in order to be effective:
contain a prebiotic, probiotics need to develop and reproduce protection against stomach acid, so are not destroyed during swallowing strains enough balance between them, so it is not the cause of the symptoms someone dominant strain are billions and billions of beneficial bacteria so that it is actually hearing the intestinal wall and compete againstharmful bacteria. be tested in the laboratory to determine if harmful stresses, "dirty" have been awarded

Probiotic 12 has all these characteristics.

Finally, I have a very important and fundamental. If the treatment does not improve the symptoms of lactose intolerance, diarrhea, constipation, headache, nausea, then you can not have, are lactose intolerant. Instead, you have an intolerance to milk. You may need to avoid all dairy products.

The most common symptoms of intolerance orMilk allergy are:
chronic or recurrent ear problems, particularly in children Breath Eczema Constipation Headache Restless Legs Muscle pain "Growing Pains" Cough Fatigue Depression rigid couplings Inability to think clearly Irritant to eat immediately or within 2 hours, dairy Bedwetting Throat sounds chronic sinusitis or clear discharge from the nose post nasal drip Chronic sinus congestion absolute love or addiction of any milk product

Ifany of these symptoms are present, it is advisable to avoid all dairy products for at least 5 days, but 2 weeks is ideal. Complete avoidance is essential. At the end of two weeks, eat a dairy product with every meal for the day. Take note of symptoms that occur. If symptoms occur after the first meal with dairy products, there is no need to continue to take dairy products, is not recommended.

If your symptoms do not seem to eliminate dairy products, avoid dairy products for 6 months.After 6 months, a further attempt will be made. If symptoms occur after eating dairy products, then they are not so sensitive to dairy products as it once was. Eating dairy products is OK to start again, but only once every 4 days. If dairy products are eaten more frequently than one meal every 4 days, the symptoms will occur again and avoid complete 6 months is the only way to reduce symptoms. Be sure to keep track, if it's OK to eat dairy products or a day of the week goes well eating dairy products- How to Sunday or Tuesday.

For those who need assistance with the rotation of the food and the elimination of dairy, I recommend Dr. Sally Rockwell. It has some great resources to help people easily rotate the food.

With the above changes in diet and supplement recommendations, I am sure that your lactose intolerance will significantly improve or disappear.

If you have further questions or comments about lactose intolerance, leave a comment here.

Let me knowas is done in a few weeks after trying the proposals and products. I love feedback and helps others to know that natural medicine works!

In health,

Dr. Ben

The treatment of lactose intolerance - three treatment options

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