We must all be considered guilty under the liver, because it is inconsistent with our heart does not beat our chest, and insist on exercising or under duress.
In general, probably only to think consciously about it, or if you are diagnosed with a disease, contracted food poisoning or over indulged in alcohol.
I must admit, it is the latter that we read regularly in the media, and some of the headlines hit very hard on young men and women already inParticular.
I think most people are not aware of the "pressure" they put it in the liver following an "unhealthy lifestyle", ie the excess of alcohol and a diet high in fat and with little or no exercise.
So how we change our way of life and adapt to a healthy diet all the vitamins and nutrients needed to keep our livers are in good condition to think - "good food for good health" - as you know , I think that "we are what we eat 'and with that Ibelong to drink, and that we are all possibilities.
It 'been many years since I left school and has learned the biology, but one of the facts that I remember, this is above the liver to treat surprising ways, and can grow again up to three quarters of the liver and within a couple can weeks to grow back.
Our bodies are great, but they need our help, and the easiest way to do this is with a sensible diet, without having to give out something to eat when you eatmoderate and not regularly.
A lemon diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fish, poultry and eggs, meat, nuts, seeds and legumes very good and the best way to detoxify the liver, is amplified and include in your diet such as digestion of proteins hydrochloric acid diluted acid contained in lemons.
I remember my grandmother telling the best way to start the day with a glass of warm water with a few slices or squeeze of fresh lemon juice, just like her mother beforethey did, because this is not just a good detoxifier for the liver, but the whole body can be.
Obviously, the way it is cooked the food is of great importance, will steam or grill the way, with much less meat and fried foods.
The liver can work much more effectively when light meals, small meals are more likely to skip meals and eat a big meal late at night.
Avoid foods that make the liver work harder - fatty foods, food, alcohol,Margarine and caffeine.
Salt is another ingredient that should be and not only for the health of the liver can be cut, very often the use of salt is just a habit - something you've always done - and you only have to re-educate your palate.
Essential fatty acids in cold pressed oils, such as extra virgin olive oil and sunflower oil are found, it is beneficial for your health with a good source of avocado.
You should make sure you eat enough fiber, as thisessential to help eliminate fat and toxins through the bile in the liver from the body, otherwise it is taken up and stored.
It 'important to drink plenty of fluids - two liters a day, is a mixture of various beverages, the best way to get your daily requirement of fruit juice, water - tap water and bottled milk, tea and coffee.
Recently it has become very popular to drink vegetable juice diet for two weeks (and that should be drunk cold) should be used to detoxify the liver, but this can be veryquite dramatic and important that it should be first on any type of diet in this way you really see a doctor.
I think, or to reduce the food - only a few weeks - may help the liver and detoxification, such as hard cheese, cream and dairy products, starchy foods like pasta, potatoes and rice, and benefit caffeine.
If you actually feel better after two weeks, cut certain foods, why not eat less or less regularly, if you introduce newthem.
Avoid saturated fats, high sugar containing foods and alcohol, and come in close contact with chemicals.
This is as important as what we eat, how to breathe, what we do, and absorb through our skin, such as household cleaners, pesticides, horticulture and deodorants, even the air are toxins that can damage the liver .
Some herbal supplements said to help with detoxification, is the herb milk thistle as a liver support, known as dandelion and licorice root.
Milk Thistlehas been shown to protect liver cells from toxins and the elimination of harmful toxins that are already available.
Fool Marin is the active ingredient in milk thistle, seeds of the plant, which has found a complex containing bioflavonoids.
So remember 'good food is healthy, "and we eat what they do.
Make every day a varied diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, why not take part in a trip to the fresh produce shelves when you go grocery shopping and try to lose the corridorswith processed foods, this can only benefit the health of yourself and your family.
Then, following a varied diet of good food for good health, it is natural detoxification of the liver.
When you detoxify the liver, which method you use and how regularly they interest me.
Sandra and Ted