Monday, July 4, 2011

Biology - What are the characteristics of a mammal?

!±8± Biology - What are the characteristics of a mammal?

There are many different animals to qualify as mammals. Some live in the sea, some live in trees, and some live in penthouses overlooking the city skyline. Here is a brief overview of the main features of most mammals have in common.

Mammals give birth to children, to live without eggs. If it lays an egg, it probably is not a mammal, except that it's a platypus, which is a whole other article. Almost every other type of animal, including insects and fish to spawn to create newInfants. Apart from some species of snakes and some amphibians and birds unusual, that is a feature that is unique to the family of mammals.

Mammals feed their young with milk. A mammal feeds its young with milk produced in the body. If you do this, unlike other types of animals you will see that this is a big difference. Birds, for example, must go and vomit in the mouth and feeding the chick. Even mammals that live in water, such as whales and dolphins, feedtheir young milk from her mammary glands.

Mammals have hair. She originally started growing their hair as a method of isolation. Mammals must regulate their body temperature so they do not get too cold or too hot. Some mammals, such as monkeys, are still very hairy. Other mammals have developed with relatively little hair. And in spite of other mammals have hair, or hair removal creams.

Mammals are warm-blooded animals. Unlike a cold-blooded animals must maintain a mammaltheir body temperature is stable enough to sustain life. Most mammals live in climates that are quite stable, and it can handle.

Mammals breathe air. Mammals use their lungs to get fresh air. This is in contrast to some animals, like fish to breathe, the water. Just because an animal lungs and breathes air, is not a mammal. Many reptiles and amphibians also have this property. Mammals that live in water need to occur from time to time to obtain are-up of oxygen.

So come on, if an animal meets all these criteria, you are probably dealing with a mammal. A list of mammals were the most common bats, mice, cows, monkeys, rhinos, elephants, sheep, cats, dogs, rabbits, whales, dolphins, giraffes, lions and bears. If you choose this as a list and look at yourself, have you ever noticed that all these standards but to fulfill. Congratulations, you are a mammal! Of course there are special animals, thenot on one or more of these features are still considered mammals.

Biology - What are the characteristics of a mammal?

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