Thursday, June 23, 2011

How can our diet, genetic Age

!±8± How can our diet, genetic Age

Born only for the reason that we are an inherited trait in the direction of Alzheimer's to be done, stroke, heart attack or diabetes does not mean that we are destined to have such complaints. Born in spite of the genes that we were, we are able to act on more than ever to prevent these diseases occur.

The genetic pathway can be modified

Only for the reason that there may be the realization of a genetic material that makes us sensitive to a specific disease, does not mean thatwe "catch" the disease. This is why it is necessary that the genes for the disorder appear "on". While a gene that makes us susceptible to a disease is "off", we are sure.

So the question that arises is: "What makes us the way to turn genes on and off?" Investigation has influence on many issues, if a gene on / off switch, which consists of:

• Pressure
• physical suffering
• weather and pollution

Have under these factors, research has shown that the diet of the issue more effectively by the fact that genes are on / off is determined, so that the high nutritional quality can be ineffective and chemical environmental factors that make causal sentence, Gene .

Some examples of genes turning on / off with diet
Belongs to the scientific group of people who liked that the gene for juvenile diabetes in children as a blowhabitually drink cow's milk or eat foods high in monosodium glutamate. However, children with a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are not always inclined to juvenile diabetes.

On the other hand, studies showing the growth of cancer cells, the result of a lot of genes that are activated during a period, so that the elderly more susceptible to cancer. It 'been shown Phytochemistry who found the dye inPlants for defense against the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation, cancer inhibition by multiple genes, avoiding the instructions of the cancer gene is in the process of activating its target.

An example is a type of cancer gene can give instructions specific enzymes for a unique protein that promotes cancer development to generate. However, if the secondary plant substances are present, such statements can not always get to the destination as a resultunique protein can not be generated, and cancer does not arise.

How can our diet, genetic Age

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